The Village Gardens HOA is hosting a Holiday Lights Contest to brighten the neighborhood and celebrate the “season of light!”
Bragging rights will be awarded in each decorating category:
- THE GRISWOLD AWARD for the biggest light display –This award is presented to the household that creates a light extravaganza.
- BEST DECORATIONS for EVEN-numbered house –This award is presented to the household with an even-numbered address (example: 652 High School St.) that has the best holiday decorations — that could be lights, lawn decorations, lanterns, wreaths, banners, etc.
- BEST DECORATIONS for ODD-numbered house –This award is presented to the household with an odd-numbered address (example: 543 Pennsylvania St..) that has the best holiday decorations — that could be lights, lawn decorations, lanterns, wreaths, banners, etc.
Bragging rights and photos of your display will be announced Jan 3rd on the HOA Facebook page.